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⑬優品刀装具。赤城軒奏山派。蟠龍軒貞寿花押也。黒々とした赤銅魚子地。目貫馬図金無垢?。短刀 刀装具 拵え 縁頭 脇差 短刀 鍔 鐔 脇差。
⑬優品刀装具。赤城軒奏山派。蟠龍軒貞寿花押也。黒々とした赤銅魚子地。目貫馬図金無垢?。短刀 刀装具 拵え 縁頭 脇差 短刀 鍔 鐔 脇差。
Current Price
89,888 yen
Time Left
0 minute
Auction Information
Number of Bids 48(Bid history )
Item's Condition Excellent-
Quantity 1
Start Time 2024-11-30 13:17
End Time 2024-12-07 20:17
Auction ID d1163340896
Automatic Extension Yes
High Bidder None
Start Price 1,000 yen
Seller Information
Seller's Name m2914s0110
Seller's auctions
Feedback Score 579 ( Positive : 100%
Seller's Location