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大判お得黒毛和牛A4等級サシ霜降りスライス肉すき焼き用など500g 2セット同時購入でお肉おまけしちゃいます お買い得なサイズ
大判お得黒毛和牛A4等級サシ霜降りスライス肉すき焼き用など500g 2セット同時購入でお肉おまけしちゃいます お買い得なサイズ
Current Price
3,703 yen (Tax included : 3,999 yen)
Buy it Now Price
3,999 yen (Tax included : 4,318 yen)
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0 minute
Auction Information
Number of Bids 2(Bid history )
Item's Condition Unused
Quantity 99
Start Time 2025-02-15 22:16
End Time 2025-02-22 22:16
Auction ID r1172624929
Automatic Extension Yes
High Bidder None
Start Price 3,703 yen
Seller Information
Seller's Name tw_p_dansyaku
Seller's auctions
Feedback Score 9106 ( Positive : 99.5%
Seller's Location